Monday, August 21, 2006


Here I go again..
I tell Myself...
I wouldn't think of you....

Some day...
someday u will be close to me..
someday u will talk to me..
someday u will look me in the eye..
someday u will be mine....
yeah... someday when moon will outshine.. the day u will be mine..

I keep scribbling..
Reams of papers...
Nothing stops this luv of mine..
Wish i had the courage to tell u this..

If U r not the one for me..
Why does my heart feel this way???
If U r not the one for me..
why does my hand fit yours???

If U r not the one for me..
Why do i keep seeing u in everything i see???
If U r not the one for me..
Why did your heart return my call???

I may not know
whats right..
But i mean it.. when i say..
I will be there for u.. whenever... wherever..
U will always have the Best of me..
It aint matter to you..
But its the atom of my life..

I am happy that..
U were a part of me..
For sometime..
Heaven was on earth..

Hope that Someday u will have the same feelings..
And u will mend the broken pieces...

Travesties of modern life

Aah... The travesties of modern life...
The faux pas occured, when i joined the IT industry. Lured by the high returns offered by the industry, the profile of the company, the high growth rate offered and the places where I will be sent to work..
But at the cost of what?Working in a Project, one typically ends up spending more than 10 hours a day at his desk.. besides the added agony of wading through the traffic.. GOD's must be really Crazy..I have been hardly seeing my parents.. I have to work for looong hours peering through tons of lines of codes.. Personal life takes the back seat.. And to add icing to the cake.. I have to travel Onsite...
Far from the people with whom i have spent some of the most glorious moments of my life.. Far from the friends, who can put their life on the line for me.. Far from the people.. who made a difference in my life.. Far from everyone, i know.. trying to peer through tons of lines of codes..Thats the Irony of travelling onsite.. We might always want to travel... But not at the cost of losing our near and dear ones..
It all boils down to the thing between your ears...
"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. -Confucius"....
I would rather say .. "Only the stupid change .. The wise will remember.. what they were before"..Life is just beyond living.. Its just as simple as "loving to live it"..Will be missing all of my friends..